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Steak Wednesday @ The Black Bull book our courtesy bus Budweiser 1 EURO all day/night

Hi all,

The Black Bull

STEAK WEDNESDAY @The Black Bull 2 8oz steaks with all the trimmings 11.95 FOR 2 PEOPLE (CAN'T BE BEATEN) ALSO BUDWEISER 1 EURO ALL DAY/NIGHT...Leave the car at home We offer a free courtesy bus within a 15km radius to pick you up and drop you home after a nice meal. 966842070 966842070

Please visit out facebook page for daily updates on entertainment, meal deals & up and coming events.

We offer accommodation at our motel for prices as little as 35 Euros per/night

There are various theme nights all throughout the week there is something for everyone.

We also provide a nice outside cosy smoking area.

Please call 966 842 070 or 685 137 299 for all bookings.


Steak Wednesday @ The Black Bull book our courtesy bus Budweiser 1 EURO all day/night

Hi all,

The Black Bull

STEAK WEDNESDAY @The Black Bull 2 8oz steaks with all the trimmings 11.95 FOR 2 PEOPLE (CAN'T BE BEATEN) ALSO BUDWEISER 1 EURO ALL DAY/NIGHT...Leave the car at home We offer a free courtesy bus within a 15km radius to pick you up and drop you home after a nice meal. 966842070 966842070

Please visit out facebook page for daily updates on entertainment, meal deals & up and coming events.

We offer accommodation at our motel for prices as little as 35 Euros per/night

There are various theme nights all throughout the week there is something for everyone.

We also provide a nice outside cosy smoking area.

Please call 966 842 070 or 685 137 299 for all bookings.


Steak Wednesday @ The Black Bull book our courtesy bus Budweiser 1 EURO all day/night

Hi all,

The Black Bull

STEAK WEDNESDAY @The Black Bull 2 8oz steaks with all the trimmings 11.95 FOR 2 PEOPLE (CAN'T BE BEATEN) ALSO BUDWEISER 1 EURO ALL DAY/NIGHT...Leave the car at home We offer a free courtesy bus within a 15km radius to pick you up and drop you home after a nice meal. 966842070 966842070

Please visit out facebook page for daily updates on entertainment, meal deals & up and coming events.

We offer accommodation at our motel for prices as little as 35 Euros per/night

There are various theme nights all throughout the week there is something for everyone.

We also provide a nice outside cosy smoking area.

Please call 966 842 070 or 685 137 299 for all bookings.



Does anybody have any idea where is the best point to watch the parades in Almoradi. We want to be sitting down, having a meal but more importantly being able to watch the parade going by without having to wander round and stand up. If anyone has any advice please let me know asap. Thank you.


In my opinion as the parade normally goes through Calle Major then you can choose any of the Bars or Cafes that sit either side of this road. You have a mixture of Spanish and British places but you will need to book early as the places tend to sell out very quickly.

Commented Rio in Almoradi 2011-07-05 20:38:07 UTC

The Old El Castillo (Partyda) Restaurant

Many years ago I had some extremely good evenings at what was called then "El Castillo" - on the main top road as you come on to La Marina urbanisation (fairly near the Petrol Station). It has since changed hands I believe, a few times and is now Partyda. This has now been shut for some considerable time. I believe the problem was that just one person complained about the noise from the entertainers and made it very difficult for any Owner to make a success of their business. This is such a shame because this Venue is most definitely one of the largest on the urbanisation inside and out. Outside was a lovely setting amongst the trees and there was even a dance floor. I would be very interested to hear if any plans are in operation for this Venue to re-open. Thank you

La Marina

I am with you on this one.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-03 09:10:47 UTC

This, a couple of years ago, was about the best venue on the Urb where it was possible in the summer to sit outside and have a meal and be entertained. It was here on a Sunday night that Bella Luna used to play. I can even remember that the local Jazz band was on one night.
So thanks to one person who kept complaining and got away with it, we do not have this rather nice outside place to go to. Owners cannot make it pay The public like to sit outside in the summer - I'm sure that most of you would agree ?

Commented Daisy in La Marina 2011-07-03 09:11:54 UTC

It is also quite a large venue inside as well Daisy, where, in the main room, you can have many tables and chairs for dining, plus a good size dance floor. It used to get very full when the venue was called El Castillo.

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-03 09:27:06 UTC

I know I keep harping on about this,But we the residents and tax payers of La Marina can change these stupid draconian rules,that exist in la Marina,which are closind bar after bar,We have to shout and shout loud to tell the so called council that we do not wont to live in a place where one person can control the life of so many by just complaining and whether the complaint is valid or not the complainent will win every time.The council must make it clear to the police that unwarranted complaints must not be allowed to succeed.Yes noise late at night,can be a pain to many people and rightfully be sorted,but when the same one person is the only complainer common sense must come into play

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-03 10:37:20 UTC

I for one totally support your comments on bars and eating places.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-04 05:14:08 UTC

thats becoming the problem on most of the urb, too many complainers, i say if they want a quiet life why buy a property on an urb?? life here is hard enough, but now its getting harder, too many bars and places shutting down, there will be nothing left at this rate!!!!!!

Commented Celebration Cakes La Marina in La Marina 2011-07-04 13:41:53 UTC

I still callit El Castillo too, it is still open, but for all kinds of dance lessons, various keep-fit classes ,line dancing etc.Sometimes they have party-nights, good fun, the bar is open then.
I go to the Zumba classes, exercise in disguise you should come along.Chris.

Commented christine robinson in La Marina 2011-07-04 19:31:39 UTC

I didn't know they were open for dance lessons etc. but that doesn't interest me personally these days. What sort of party-nights do they have Chris, and do you know when the next one will be? We often stop outside to see if anything is being advertised for an evening out such as a meal and entertainment and we do not see anything. It would be good if there was something regular going on say over the weekend !

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-05 20:33:07 UTC

african Parrot

I've seen somewhere that a person was burgled and lost an African Parrot. Losing a pet is hell. We live in el oasis and my pal told me a couple of days ago that she'd seen an eagle circling over her house. Could this be the parrot. I'm not joking, I brought my mutt over from UK. Our pets are precious

La Marina

According to Steve our pool cleaner that is a Hawk up there circling around looking for prey.
I'm sure we would all be interested to hear if the Parrot been found yet?

Commented Ian in La Marina 2011-07-05 19:15:35 UTC


What an experience we had! Absolutely supurb city to visit and would recommend it to anyone! We stayed in a 5 star Hotel, but that was only because it was a big Birthday present, however you can stay in relatively cheap accommodation and make full use of the transport in Madrid. The buses are very good and so cheap, but better than that the Metro is clean, cheap and so efficient you would not believe. For just 1 euro, this will cover you from one part of Madrid to the other, which is fantastic value for money & only 2 euros to Barajas Airport, could not believe this. You can also have the comfort of a open top tourist bus which provides all the orated history of every building and archetectural piece you see. There are 2 different routes you can choose from or do both.(best way to see the majority of Madrid) The restaurants in the central areas can be expensive, but if you come off the beaten track you have some wonderful local Spanish eateries with an abundance of fresh homemade food and the obvious tapas. We were lucky enough to be there when they had to major festivals in the main square and there must have been hundreds of thousands of people celebrating, dancing and singing and we did not see no violence whatsoever. Having said that the police presence was immense and they were situated on every corner.
You can also get cheap flights from Alicante which take 45 minutes, so if you do your homework you can package a deal at a very reasonable cost.
If you would like any more info then please let me know.


Sounds like you had a great time. We have always wanted to see Madrid, but there has never been the right time. Have there always been direct flights from Alicante to Madrid? And I was not aware how cheap the metro is. We will now make a point of taking the plunge and thanks for all that useful information, which is very helpful. Thanks again

Commented babyfour in Torrevieja 2011-07-05 14:25:12 UTC

As far as I know there has always been flights between Alicante - Madrid. If you search via Ryanair or Vueling airlines who are part of Iberia you can really get some good bargains. Hope you do get a chance to go. If you would like any other information please do let me know.

Commented john in Quesada 2011-07-05 18:33:54 UTC

best place to look for flights

Commented Chalk Face Academia in Almoradi 2011-07-05 18:37:07 UTC

Which Hospital

hi everyone,
I've lived on Urb La Marina since 2001 and took comfort in the fact that we have a good medical centre and hospital facility at Torrevieja.
I may be moving soon to either Dolores or Algorfa and although I am fortunate to enjoy good health I wonder if anyone can tell me if either of these two towns are in the "catchment area" of the Torrevieja hospital as since I've
reached the big "Seven-O" relatively unscathed I would just like to know where I would be taken to if I should fall off my motor bike or anything else that can be fallen off of, or walked into, or tripped over etc, etc.

There is a good clinic/medical centre in Dolores... or you can go to the new hospital in Elche, which I beleive (had friends in it) is wonderfully... their words

Commented jason from jpsfitness in Quesada 2011-07-04 19:31:25 UTC

Thanks Jason for the info re Which Hospital.

Commented Bikerbee in Hondon de las Nieves 2011-07-05 18:23:42 UTC

Article in The Courier 1st July

I am confused!
According to the article only engineers with MCP or MCSE qualifications are permitted to use the Microsoft logo in their advertising material - I have seen engineers advertising MCSA as a qualification - is this a real qualification or not? Or is the author of the article incorrect?

See article below:

How to check out your computer repair ´expert´
AS with many things in life, it’s difficult to figure out for yourself whether the person you are dealing with (plumber, mechanic, computer engineer etc.) is honest and trustworthy.

I guess most of us rely on common sense, word of mouth and the good/bad experience that our friends have had, of course this isn’t the best barometer of skill but does seem to work in most cases.

As for skill, in my industry there are a number of professional qualifications that can be taken; however given that most people have computers with Microsoft operating systems running on them, let’s focus on their certifications. Microsoft have two main certifications…

MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional), which means that the engineer has passed one exam in a specific subject.

MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer), which means that the engineer has passed a set of exams to achieve Microsoft’s top qualification.

It involves passing at least six exams, many of them are ‘adaptive’ – which means that the computer upon which you are tested is designed to find your weakest subjects and asks targeted questions to try to probe which subject/s they might be. When you get a question wrong, it focuses its questions on those areas! I passed my first MCP in 1998 and achieved my MCSE the next year after many long hours of studying; I then also took further exams to get my MCSE + Internet. Glutton for punishment, eh!

A good indicator as to how certified your chosen engineer is can be found by looking at their advertising. Only certified MCP and MCSE engineers are allowed to use the relevant Microsoft logo in their marketing material.

Finally, many reputable computer engineers will publish comments from satisfied clients on their website. So have a look – is their website up to date, does it have any testimonials, perhaps even ask them for the contact details of previous clients.

Any honest engineer who is proud of their work should be happy to share that information with you.

BlueMoon is also a member of TIBA (The International Business Association –, who ‘vet’ their members to ensure that they are legal before being allowed to join the organisation. So professional membership might also be another way to validate your potential computer engineer.

Richard Cavender
BlueMoon Solutions

La Marina

The MCSA (Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator) is indeed a valid certification issued by Microsoft and individuals with the MCSA are allowed by Microsoft to use the relevant logo in their marketing materials, as can those with MCP or MCSE certificates.

To the best of my knowledge the MCSA and MCSE certifications are considered to be equals. Neither indicates particularly more expertise than the other, they are instead referring to different job roles that individuals with either of these could be expected to perform:

MCSA - Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator - Individuals with this are likely to deal with the day-to-day running of a structured computer network.

MCSE - Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer - Individuals with this generally do more of the setup and installation of the network itself.

Just because I have either of these however is still rather meaningless unless put into context correctly. I could have certifications coming out of my ears, and still not necessarily be an 'expert'.

Most people can read a book, spend a few hours cramming, and pass a test. What does this really mean? It could just mean that they're good at taking tests!

Aside from this, the author indicated he has an MCSE + Internet. This was officially retired by Microsoft, and as such can no longer be obtained. Microsoft announced in Jan. 2000 that exams for the MCSE + Internet would expire at the end of Feb. 2001 and the certification would not be valid after Dec. 2001.

The MCSE + Internet pre-dates Windows 2000, its study is focused around Windows NT 4.0, a system which is now hardly used.

If you don't hold a certification that is still considered current by Microsoft, in the fast paced IT industry, how you can consider yourself an 'expert' is beyond me! Especially when you consider he is essentially admitting that he has not refreshed his skill range in nearly a decade.

Richard Harrison

One thing is the whole certification process from Microsoft. Its beyond a joke. Honestly. What you should look for is a MICROSOFT PREFERRED PARTNER, MICROSOFT PREFERRED VENDOR or a MICROSOFT SYSTEM BUILDER.

Further more he writes in his article: "is their website up to date, does it have any testimonials, perhaps even ask them for the contact details of previous clients".

If a shop would be so crazy to deliver out clients contact information for references the shop would actually BREAK the "data protection laws" - Ley de proteccion de datos, and I certainly would NEVER buy anything from someone knowing that my contact information were flying around in Spain with no control what so ever....

Commented cybertommy75 in La Marina 2011-07-05 17:55:31 UTC

Hog Roast

09 July · 18:00 - 21:00
St James Gate
Created by:
St James's Gate
More info
Eat as much as you like
9-12 PM on the terrace+

Los Balcones
Anzeige mitteilungs 82871 - 82880 von 86540 insgesamt